13th and 14th Century Russian Arms and Armor

Glossary: Entries are not limited to terms or items used in the 13th/14th cent. baidana - hauberk of large-ring mail
bakhterets - 16th century mail and plate armor
barmitsa - neck protection
bronya - generic term for body armor
broni doshchati - scale armor, see dospekhi
bulava - mace
buturlik - leg armor
chaldar - horse armor, barding
chekan - small hammer, pick
djid - javelin case
dospekhi - generic term for scaled body armor
doshchatini - scale armor, see dospekhi
drota - ?
kalantar - plate armor
kibit - center part of bow
kinzhal - dagger
kisten' - military flail
klevets - hammer
kolchan = tul - quiver
kol'chataya bronaya - body armor made of iron rings
kol'chuga - hauberk of small-ring mail
kolontar - armor vest of small plates
kolpak - helmet with conical base and long, pointed top
kolushchyeye oruzhiye - thrusting weapons
konchar/koncher/konchal - thin, straight sword
konskii ubor - horse tack
kop'yo - spear
korejshchiki - lancers
kost - quiver
kuyak - reverse brigandine armor vest
jeridan - javelin, see sulitsa
lichina - armor face mask
luchnik - archer
luk - bow
lukovitsa - pointed, onion-shaped helmet
metatel'noye oruzhiye - missile weapons
misyurka - skull cap with mail veil, a reinforced coif
myech - sword
nagavits - mail stockings, chausse
nakol'nik - shoulder armor
nakolyennik - knee protection
naluch - bow case
napleshnik - style of misyurka, or barmitsa
naruch - vambrace, bazuband
nozh - knife
palash - heavy sword
palitsa - iron cudgel with spikes
pantsir' - hauberk of mail or small scales
plastinchataya bronaya - body armor of small layered plates
podsaydashiye - type of knife
podzor - clothing worn under armor, gambeson
ponozhi - calf protection, greaves
poyasnie - type of knife
prilbits - style of misyurka or barmitsa
pulitsa - see palitsa
ratnik - warrior
rogatina - boar spear
rukavitsa - gauntlet, leather or mail mitten
ru'yashchyeye oruzhiye - chopping weapons
saadak - archer's kit
sablya - saber
sagadak = saadak
samostrel - crossbow
sekir - military topor - axe
shapka misyurka - style of helmet
shchit - shield
shestoper - mace
shishak - conical helmet with knob on top
shlyem - generic term for helmet
slyak - type of knife, see nozh
sovna - spear or pike
strela - arrow
styag - banner
sulitsa - javelin
tokhta - covering for bow case and quiver
topor - axe
tul - quiver
tyegilyai - quilted coat.
udarnoye oruzhiye - striking weapons
yalovetsa - part of shishak, small pennant on top of helmet
yerikhonka - type of conical, pointed helmet
yushman - a 16th century form of mail and plates armor
zarukava - forearm protection
zacapozhnye - type of knife, see nozh
zertsalo - 17th cent. armor vest
znamya = styag, a banner

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