HTML Color

Generally, it's quite simple to change the colors of backgrounds, text, link text, visited-link texts and active-link texts once you know the 6-digit code for the color you want and the other appropriate HTML code.
AllProfitAllFree Color Wheel
Visibone Color Palette

Color Codes (colors that are not "pure" may look different as text vs. background):

Pure white - ffffff
Cream - ffffcc
Pure lt. gray - c0c0c0
Lt. gray - d0d0d0
Gray - a0a0a0
Gray - b0b0b0
Pure gray - 808080
Pure black - 000000
Pure red - ff0000
Burgundy - b00000
Wine - bb0000
Vermillion - bf0604
Brick red - 7d053f
Dk red - 800000
Pink - f81cbe
Pure pink - ff0080
Rose - ffe4e1
Brown - b06030
Dk brown - 7f441c
Warm brown - b06030
Dk warm brown - 8b4513
Rose brown - bc8f8f
Beige - ffcc99
Sand - ffe4b5
Khaki - f0e68c
Ivory - fffff0
Muslin - fffacd
Creamy yellow - ffffcc
Pure yellow - ffff00
Banana yellow - fff769
Gold - fcce19

Light green - 90ee90
Pure bright green - 00ff00
Pure green - 008000
Med green - 009900
Soft green - 3cb371
Soft dk green - 2e8b57
Dk green - 006400
Olive green - 556b2f
Sea green - 8fbc8f
Pure seafoam - 008080
Pure gray seafoam - 408080
Dark cyan - 008b8b
Pure turquoise - 00ffff
Med turquoise - 2080a0
Teal - 20b2aa
Pure bright blue - 0000ff
Light blue - add8e6
Light med blue - 0000aa
Med blue - 0606ba
Pure med blue - 000080
Med gray blue - 003366
Med bright blue - 0000dd
Dark blue - 00008f
Dark blue - 0f0896
Dark blue - 00008b
Navy blue - 191970
Indigo - 4b0082
Periwinkle - 551a8b
Lavender - e6e6fa
Dusty lavender - 555588
Pure purple - 8000ff
Orchid - 9932cc
Dk purple - 9400d3

To change the background, text, link, visited link and alink colors for your whole page:
  • "body bgcolor=XXXXXX text=XXXXXX link=XXXX vlink=XXXXXX alink=XXXXXX" goes in the appropriate brackets at the beginning of your page. (XXXXXX represents the 6-digit color code)

  • If you only want to change the background color (or one of the other components):
  • "body bgcolor=XXXXXX" goes in the appropriate brackets.

  • If you only want to change the color of the text in one section of your page:

  • "font color=0000ff" in the appropriate brackets is followed by your text, and then "/font" - also in the appropriate brackets.

  • Comments? Additions? Email is
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