Agility = 60
Beauty = 43
Dexterity = 60
Endurance = 60
Hearing = 48
Istropy = 30
Mentality = 50
Quickness = 69
Reaction = 69
Speed = 40
Strength = 90
Vision = 48
Gypsy elf female, 5'11" 140lbs, black hair, brown eyes, right-handed.
Family: George (father), Frances (mother), both deceased.
Born: Chaucer, March 19, 10018.
Personality: an optimistic not-particularly-devout Homerist whose
needs some fleshing out.
Goals: get some seamanship, raise common to level VI, get a trade, improve
and learn additional weapons, work on sneaks and survival skills, get a set
plate mail.
Skills: mace, unarmed combat, orienteering, first aid, swimming,
urban sneak, rural sneak, mountain survival, wilderness survival.
Languages: elvish, common, sign language, gnomish.